Misconception on capacity may arise among the students while teaching Volume of liquid especially when comparing capacity of two containers that can hold more. Students often make the comparison on height rather than its capacity. Through a video in the internet I would like to show how volume of liquid are measured.
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As you can see from the video, the little boy is comparing two glasses of milk. In the boy’s opinion, the taller glass holds more liquid compare to the shorter glass although in the beginning they were shown equal amount of liquid in two same size glasses. Therefore, we need to guide the young learners to understand the concept and at the same time teach them how to measure volume of liquid correctly. I have created a teaching activity for high achiever group and a teaching activity for low achiever group.
According to the Curriculum Specification of Mathematics Year 2 published by Curriculum Development Centre, Ministry of Education (2003), emphasizes the acquisition of basic concepts and skills. For Year 2 pupils, the introduction to the topic of Volume of Liquid begins with the understanding of words related to volume of liquid: full, hall full, empty, more, less, same. For this, I have prepared a MS Power Point presentation slide as a revision. Beside that, I have created a teaching activity for low achiever pupils and a teaching activity for high achiever pupils.
Click on the link below to view the fullscreen of MS Power Point presentation: