Friday, November 26, 2010

Teaching Activities For Low Achiever Pupils

Learning outcomes:
To measure volume of water in different containers using non-standard units.

Two bottles of mineral water (1.5 litres) and a beaker (for demonstration)
A bottle of mineral water (1.5 litres), a beaker and some cups (for pupils)

  1. Show two bottles of mineral water to the class and ask the pupils a question.
      - Do they have the same volume?  ( predicted answer: Yes.)
2.   Then, pour a bottle of mineral water into a beaker and ask the pupils to compare
      the beaker and the bottle of mineral water.
  1. Next, divide the class into groups of four students and have them work in their cooperative groups.
  2. Appoint a student in the group to be the recorder.
  3. Give each group a bottle of mineral water, a beaker and some cups.
  4. Ask the pupils to find out how many cups can a bottle of mineral water fills. This is done by pouring water from the bottle into the cups. The pupils have to write down the findings in the worksheet given.
  5. Repeat the same steps with the beaker.
  6. Have the pupils record their findings in the following table:

Number of Cups
A bottle of mineral water

A beaker

  1. Discuss the misconception of height of containers and their capacity with the pupils. 
  2. As a conclusion, the capacity of the bottle and the beaker are of the same volume although their water level looks different.

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